After looking over their electronic Press Kit which I am very impressed by (technology)these days(LOL) A Breed Apart comes from New England on the East Coast of
the United States. ABA's new 4 song EP entiled (Population Refresh)Starting with the opening track (Sour) That has some very
out spoken gutiar playing with classic sounds of some older 80's-90's style of musical influences.(Until You Crack)
ABA's 2nd song starts off kinda cool with some tribal like drum beats and is a bit heavier than the 1st track.ABA is not as
heavy as I like ,But needless to say they do play heavy metal/hard rock.ABA's style seems like a cross breed between Non-Point
meets Living Colour+ with older Sacred Reich style vocals.With The final 2 tracks on ABA's (Population Refresh)I Hate and
Dead, ABA is by far A Breed of Their own style hard and heavy hitting. For more details and other material check out