Once again John Payne and Jordan Varela team up to create
yet another brutal chaotic band called'Domination Through Impurity"The title track called Essence of Brutality is quit amazing"Its
like a frieght train running out of control"as every other track on this album
Both John and Jordan have a dire passion to showcase their
musical influence's and mathematical concepts in the metal world.This new intense project allows both of them to express their
true feelings of what they have to offer the metal community.Their main focus is to show metal heads what they have to bring
to the fore front.
Domination Through Impurity allows their fans to enjoy Brutal
and Intense Death metal.
This is yet only the begining for John and Jordan of Domanation
Through Impurity.Once again the people at Comatose Music do not slow down releasing the most brutal bands in the music world.
Domination Through Impurity started last year in 2004.And
since have becoming to make a name for themselves,Coming from such bands as: Lust Of Decay and Lividity.This is destine to
be the next level of brutality in the death metal style,That will kick you in the head over and over again..