Well when I got this package in the mail and I opened it only to reveil a 4 song
cd with a enhanced video by a band called 'Chach' right away I liked the cover of 2 sexy woman sitting by a older muscle car
(what guy wouldnt).
A few days later I popped in the cd into my computer gave it a fast listen then
I put it away to the side.But something made me put the cd in again and I listened to it several more times with watching
the video which was great it felt like i was invited to their party.
I was hooked, even though it wasnt death,thrash,grindcore metal,I was hooked.it
was like when you meet someone for the first time but you swear you have seen or met that person before but cant place a finger
on it that is what 'Chach' did for me.
There is a certain feel and emotion about their music, It kinda brings back memories
of you and a bunch of buddies partying on a warm summer night. 'Chach' style of playing has that hard rock edge, in vein of
some older style bands like, Black Sabbath, Steppenwolf, Frank Zappa just to name a few.
The CD that 'Chach' has sent me is a very well produced and a good mix as well.
You cant ask for anything better coming from a local band, But to keep doing it and doing it well. So what are you waiting
for get up off your lazy FUCKING ass go spend some of your hard earned cash on 'Chach'
Xtreme Metal Promotion