Metal Zine 666 Interviews


Blast Masters
Jaded Kayne
Soul Havoc
Steel Kingdom
Sonic Syndicate
Womb Raiders
ID: Exorcist
Vicious Circle
Soul Havoc (Pt 2 Repost)

MZ666: How was the band formed?

Current band, I met the guys playing with now had played at my studio in the past. As for Anthrax, I was not there when it was formed. Anthrax name apparently came up in a school class.

MZ666: How did you learn to play music Self Taught/Music School?

Self taught :)

MZ666:Tell me about your band - How long have you been together, how did you all meet, I myself being from Rochester Ny already know Rob,Paul and RC 15+years etc?

We have been together 7 months now, again, they came to my studio and recorded some stuff.

MZ666: How would you best describe your style of music?

Heavy, rock, melodic.

MZ666: What would be your ultimate gig line-up?

Rush, Deep Purple, Led Zepplin and 900 other bands, always a tough question!

MZ666: Who writes your lyrics, music and what subjects do they deal with?

Me, myself and I and whatever is on my mind ;) Write about all sorts of things. Some are secret :)

MZ666:What is your favorite song to perform? Why?

Always a hard question because I love so many, but forced to choose, Medusa.

MZ666:How many releases do you have out right now?
I have 6 releases i bring to the shows to sell. Also, you can buy individual tracks of 3 unreleased albums at

MZ666:Are there any plans on recording a new album with the new & current line up and if so when can your fans expect to see this new material?

There are always plans, but getting to it is slow and surely. We hope by the year end.

MZ666:Anything you guys do before a show to get pumped up?

Nothing out of the ordinary, make sure the equipment is set up right, stretch a bit. Now, with the smaller crowds, I like to go out in the crowd before the show and meet people, take pictures and sign autographs. Not many people do that, but I get a kick.

MZ666:What are some of your favorite place's to play?

Sounds like BS, but I really like them all this past year, they are all very similar, really, but right now, I am looking forward to the upcoming Rochester show, playing the town that my band is from.

MZ666:Do you have any advice for people starting a band?

Run!!! Get a job in computers. Make sure you want to go in this business, it's an up and down biz, but if you love it, stick it out. That's why I am out playing now.

MZ666:What is your impression of the Metal music scene?

Read the previous answer ;)

MZ666: The biggest thing to rock the metal scene a few years ago has been the terrible murder of Dimebag of Damageplan/Pantera. Has this changed your mind of playing live?

No, it is something no rocker will EVER forget, but this is what I do, so I will continue to play live as much as possible and as long as people will come to see me.

MZ666: Rumor Has It That BellaDonna Is Planning A European Tour This Fall
Is that True?

It is not out of the question. We are constantly booking shows as much as possible, but nothing is in the works as of this moment.

MZ666: Thanks for the interview. (You can hear more of This band in our link section.Stay Metal,Stay Brutal . Any last comments for our readers?

Only that I hope they come out to a show, visit Myspace or listen to our new stuff, try and get us to your town. We appreciate all the support! Rock on!

BellaDonna Is:
Joey BellaDonna- Vocals
Robb Lotta- Guitars
RC Ciejek - Bass
Paul "MX" Marciano- Drums

              (ROBB)                              (PAUL)                   (JOEY)                       (RC)

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