Metal Zine 666 Interviews

Soul Havoc (Pt 2 Repost)

Blast Masters
Jaded Kayne
Soul Havoc
Steel Kingdom
Sonic Syndicate
Womb Raiders
ID: Exorcist
Vicious Circle
Soul Havoc (Pt 2 Repost)

MZ666-Greetings Well alot has changed since the last time we interviewed

Soulhavoc.You have also gone thru some member changes over the past few

months or so. Tell me more about that.


Ilkka: Hi there. Yeah, during this year Soulhavoc line-up has indeed changed and not just so little. First, right after our first album was out, our former drummer Hessu founded him self in some real time issues and he was released from the band and Jaakko T took his place right away. Then, just couple months later the same issue was discovered with our bassist, so out goes Janne and in comes Teemu R. We played our first gig in Finland in a pub called The Factory, in Hellsinki, with this new line-up and it worked pretty well. Allthough, Teemu R had only 2 weeks time for that gig to learn all the bass stuff and he fucking did it. J That was pretty great, but then again, this was the turning point for us. Couple weeks after the gig Ville told us that he’s not able to continue work with us, we still don’t no why, and he left the band. But no harm done, vocals taken over by me, Ilkka L, and we got our shit back together. And now this winter, in the middle of recorging our new tunes, Arto gave us an announcement that he will be leaving us to and he’s position was taken over by mr. Joni S couple days later. So, there’s really all-new-line-up besides me ofcourse and it feels fine J


MZ666- How does this effect the band,And what can we expect different from



Ilkka: Not much effect, at least bad, taken. Biggest problem with these changes was time. Our new album recordings were delayed pretty bad and stuff like that. But these changes has also brought a lot of good things and now this line-up seems to work perfectly. You can shure expect something mindblowing. Soulhavoc is now more brutal and skilled than ever. But still the Scandinavian boozefilled depression is present now also more than ever. Just wait for it ;)


MZ666- What members have been replaced.


Ilkka: All. Guitarist Arto replaced by Joni S, bassist Janne replaced by Teemu R, drummer Hessu replaced by Jaakko T and vocals taken over by me from Ville.


MZ666- I see you are currently working on a 4th album,when where these songs

written and who is producing it.


Ilkka: Actually it’s our second one :) All songs are written by me during 2004-2006. We will be producing and engineering the album ourselves, but we will be having few outside producers just to make shure that we will give you the best Soulhavoc sound ever. Sami Hauru from ID:Exorcist will be at least one of our assistants, he did absolutely fucking amazing job with the new Exorcist release, never heard so dynamic drums in my life.


MZ666- So far with the changes within SoulHavoc what is your's and your fans

reaction been like.


Ilkka: Some has said that they can’t believe this is the same band, not in bad way. We’ve actually recieved lots of good feedback after these changes. They say this brought Soulhavoc to very different level.


MZ666-How would you describe your music to someone who never heard you.


Ilkka: Most heavy \,,/ J


MZ666-How are the other bands in your country are there lots to play

with,That fit your genre.


Ilkka: Yes there are. Finland is really the promised land of heavy and metal music. There’s so much to choose from. Melodic death metal is pretty big deal here and you can find bands in almost every corner.We actually have our very own unholy alliance here, we played bunch of gigs with two bands called Neverend and Sole Convert all over in Finland. Those are pretty good bands by the way, check ‘em out.


MZ666-Who are some of the bigger bands you have opened for?


Ilkka: Amoral from Hellsinki, Finland. Dunno if you guys heard them in the states but if you haven’t, you should. They are the sound of todays death metal.


MZ666-Do you get a lot of fans, who just stumble across the site from web



Ilkka: Ofcourse. After all, web is the best place to get your name to be known and people to find our band. We’ve recieved a lot of feedback from allover the world, and how else they could find us besides the web.


MZ666-How often do you guys get together for practice


Ilkka: We do practice all the time. Depends if we are prepairing for a coming gig or just practicing new material and stuff like that....well one to four times per week is propably pretty close


MZ666-Anything else


Ilkka: New album will be out this fall, so beware, we’re on our way to havoc your soul. Next door we’ll be knocking on, might just be yours.

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