The Great Kat (Extreme Guitar Shred DVD)
Well, as some may already know the 'Great Kat' born as Katherine Thomas has much talent
and it clearly shows in this DVD.
At the tender age of 15 Katherine Thomas was accepted into one of the most prestigious
music schools in the world know as 'Juilliard School'
Located in New York City. Shortly after 'Kat' graduated she embarked on a world tour
as a solo violinist and traveled to such places as Mexico all the way to Europe.
She then came to realize something was missing, she was going to do something that
the world would either hate or love,Combinding classical music with heavy speed metal. And today 'The Great Kat' has proven
it to be a well done masterpiece despite what some critics and press might say.
So buckle up and hang on tight as 'The Great Kat' Takes you on a ride of your lifetime
in the newest collection (Extreme Guitar Shred DVD)
This is the real deal a true gift of talent that the 'Great Kat' possesses with speeding/shredding
guitar riffs that will make your hairs on your neck stand straight up.
(Zapateado) is the opening video on this dvd 'Kat' portraits her patriotism very well
in this clip wearing her stars and stripes proudly as she assaults both guitar and violin in a manner as I have never seen
(Torture Chamber) is a very well rounded filmed in B/W very scary work, reminds me
of older Vincent Price movies.
(Castration) mmmm speechless I had my legs crossed the whole time
Very barbaric. The 'Great Kat' doesn't think twice about doing the unthinkable. Just
remember what happened to "John Wayne Bobitt',Well I cannot speak for 'Kat' myself but you would only hope that she does have
some kinda love left in her beautiful soul.
(Live in Chicago) shows more great footage of the 'Great Kat' doing what she does best,
as in the background you have the Kat Slaves praising her Godness. and every command.
(Dominatrix) again more great video footage featuring what the "Kat'
Does best extreme guitar playing while humiliating man making them beg for more of
her torture.
(War)One piece that stands out in my mind where the attacks on the World Trade Center
9-11-01 may they 'Rest In Peace' this video also features older war footage..My idea of this would be that if the 'Great Kat"
can shot a M-16 as good as she can shred on the guitar, I think we would not have to worry about terrorist anymore. She is
brutal and fierce at what she does.
"The Great Kat' by all means is one of the best top 10 guitarist in the world today.
I can honestly say I have never seen anyone play the guitar with such emotion as she does. So take warning all you other guitar
player's both male and female who might think they are all that and a bag of chips. Nobody can compare to the 'Great Kat"
Another thing is I used to be attracted to woman who drove big four wheel drive trucks,
but now i think I might have developed a freaky fetish for extreme female guitarist covered in blood wearing skimpy clothes
Needless to say I was alittle disappointed in the length of the DVD it could have been
longer, But I watched it several times and it is truly amazing what 'Kat' can do both on the guitar and violin 'Kat' is by
far an excellent guitarist and composer.SHE IS EXCELLENT..So for all you extreme guitarist this a must for your guitar playing
collection of videos.
For more info on the great kat you can visit her website at